Friday 30 March 2012

only hope ,

Holy Kaabah is the most beautiful place on earth!....Allah Please give us a chance to see your House.......Aameen... ♥ :)

Tuesday 27 March 2012

theshadowofmysoul ;

Salam sejahtera ke atas engkau wahai junjungan yang mulia, Rasul yang pemurah dan penyayang, yang telah dipilih oleh Allah menjadi kekasihNya. Aku bersaksi bahawa tiasa Tuhan yang sebenar-benarnya melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad itu pesuruhNya. Aku bersaksi bahawa engkau telah menyampaikan tanggungjawab risalah dan telah menunaikan segala amanah, telah memberi nasihat kepada ummah, telah berjihad bagi meninggikan agama Allah, sejahteralah ke atas engkau, berkekalan hingga hari kiamat. Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, berilah kebaikan kepada kami di dunia dan akhirat. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kepada junjungan akan kemuliaan dan pangkat serta darjah yang tinggi serta anugerahkan kepadanya tempat yang terpuji yang telah Engkau janjikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau tidak memungkiri janji. Aamiin.

p/s: how I wish I can stand in front of Kaabah right now. sit there. keep looking at it. sujud and worship ALLAH. recite the Quran. Ya ALLAH, such a wonderful feeling with a non-stop crying. when will it be? Ya RABB, take me to Makkah. Bring me and my family to Your Place. I really really wanna go there Ya ALLAH! Aamiin... ='(

Saturday 24 March 2012

I want to be a better Muslim!

What is stopping you? Wanting to be something has never made anyone anything. It’s your drive, motivation, focus, and what you do that makes you what you want to be. If you want to be a better Muslim, do it.
  • Write a list of what you want to change. Choose 3 things every month. Do them. It takes a person approximately 21 days to develop a habit. If you start something at the beginning of the month and stick to it for at least 21 days, it should become second nature.
  • Get off the Internet and learn from hard cover books. If you don’t have them, then check your local Masjid. If they don’t, then get some e-books. Get a paper and pen and learn. Study the deen.
  • Don’t overburden yourself, but don’t underestimate yourself either. If you know you are capable of something, do it. Allaah will help you along the way. ‘Allaah will not change the condition of a people until they first change it themselves.’
  • Read. Read. Read. The more you read, the more likely you are to change.
  • Listen to Islamic lectures/audios/videos.
  • Talk less. It might sound simple, but the less you talk, the more you listen. The more you listen the more you are observing. The more you are observing, the clearer it becomes to what exactly you need to change and how to change it. 
  • Lower your gaze. Sound silly? Lowering the gaze prevents you from extracurricular thoughts that may fog the mind. The purer the vision, the purer the mind, the cleaner the heart. 
  • Don’t tell anyone about changing, just keep it to yourself. Be sincere. Don’t even tell yourself you’re changing, just change some bad habits.
  • Stop complaining about how changing is hard. Nothing is hard, it’s all about how much you let it overburden you and how much you’re willing to work on it.
  • Pray the night prayers. If you’re awake at 3 in the morning and on tumblr, the least you could do is offer 2 raka’t. Allaah descends in that portion of the night and asks His slaves for anything they want. If you want to change, ask for the strength necessary to change.
  • Focus on you. Are YOU changing your bad habits? Don’t think about what Clarese or Amina is doing. Do YOU first.
  • Take it one day at a time. Don’t think ‘oh, I’ll change forever and I’ll never do this again!’ that alone makes the shaytaan work that much harder against your weak nafs. Just think about not doing it for that day. You’re not even guaranteed a tomorrow so focus on the now. Go to bed and ask yourself: Did I accomplish my goal today? If not, intend on doing it tomorrow and accomplish it.
  • Make repentance your everything. Always always always repent. Never lose faith. Never lose heart. Shaytaan wants you to feel so ashamed that you don’t repent, when Allaah loves those who turn to Him in repentance. 
  • Walking around? Seek forgiveness. Cooking? Seek forgiveness. Whatever you do, make it a habit to always seek forgiveness anytime and everywhere. You never know when Allaah will accept it from you.
  • & never say to yourself “I wish I was a better Muslim” no. Become it. Do it. Plus, have wishes ever come true? No. Make duaa that you become so.
That is all.

Thursday 8 March 2012

A woman's du'a for her future husband ♥

O Allah! Please grant me the one
Who will be the garment for my soul
Who will satisfy half of my deen
And in doing so make me whole

Make him righteous and on your path
In all he'll do and say
And sprinkle water on me at Fajr
Reminding me to pray

May he earn from halal sources
And spend within his means
May he seek Allah's guidance always
To fulfill all his dreams

May he always refer to Qur'an
and the Sunnah as his moral guide
May he thank and appreciate Allah
For the woman at his side

May he be conscious of his anger
And often fast and pray
Be charitable and sensitive
In every possible way

May he honor and protect me
And guide me in this life
And please Allah! Make me worthy
to be his loving wife

And finally, O Allah!
Make him abundant in love and laughter
In taqwa and sincerity
In striving for the hereafter!

May Allah grant all the Muslim sisters with such husbands... Ameen ya rabb! :) ♥
copy from :  ღDer Is No One In Dis Dunya More Beautiful Den A Muslimaღ

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Syair Imam Hassan Al-Basri

Wahai pemuda pemudi, sedarlah diri
Tuhan Arasy sedang melihatmu
Tahukah kamu, apakah balasan pada orang yang selalu buat dosa dan maksiat?

Neraka Sa’ir mengaum memanggil dengan suara yang penuh dahsyat
Menerkam marah penuh murka ubun-ubun manusia yang berbuat jahat
Buatlah maksiat semahu-mahu..nanti badanmu api menjilat

Dengarlah nasihatku, maksiat jangan didekat
Ingatlah kesalahan-kesalahanmu yang sudah banyak kau buat
Jiwamu telah tergadai jika engkau tidak segera BERTAUBAT

Monday 5 March 2012

Belajar dan terus belajar

Belajar bukan berarti mencapai gelar doktor
Belajar bukan berarti hanya membaca buku..
Tapi juga belajar dari setiap kejadian..
Belajar dari apa yang bisa dilakukan ...
Agar hidup ke depan lebih baik..

Aku belajar diam dari banyaknya bicara.
Aku belajar sabar dari sebuah kemarahan.
Aku belajar mengalah dari suatu keegoisan.
Aku belajar menangis dari kebahagiaan.
Aku belajar tegar dari kehilangan

Hidup Adalah BELAJAR.......
Belajar Bersyukur Meski tak Cukup,
Belajar Ikhlas Meski Tak Rela,
Belajar Taat Meski Berat,
Belajar Memahami Meski Tak Sehati,
Belajar Sabar Meski Terbebani,
Belajar Setia Meski Tergoda,
Belajar Memberi Meski Tak Seberapa,
Belajar Mengasihi Meski Disakiti,
Belajar Tenang Meski Gelisah,
Belajar Percaya Meski Susah,

Belajar dan Terus Belajar...
Belajar sampai pada akhirnya
Allah yang menyempurnakan..
dengan syurga yang Allah Janjikan
bagi mereka yang memilih untuk beriman..

copy from : Dekna As-SaQaff

Saturday 3 March 2012

Saya bukan orang Arab!

mata minah arab pallesssuuuu =p

walaupun saya bercelak, saya bukan orang Arab
walaupun saya berjubah hitam, saya bukan orang Arab
walaupun saya berbahasa Arab, tapi saya bukan orang Arab
walaupun saya berkawan dgn org Arab, saya bukan org Arab
walaupun saya pelajar UIA, saya bukan orang Arab..
YA! saya bukan orang Arab, tgk hidung pun tahu! kekeke :DD

yeah. itu lah dia luahan hati ku di status FB tadi.
tadikan, i pegi CAC hall kat UIA nie ha.
banyak benda yang di jual.
coklat. blouse. jubah. tudung. makanan. buku. banyak lagi lah :D

so, tadi kan, i pergi lah one booth nie.
dia jual, krim mustajab, celak, sabun2 & ada lah benda2 lain lagi.
i datang sorang je. takde kawan.
pastu, yang jaga kedai nie 2 orang lelaki.
lelaki number 1 tegur i, "yes sister? may i help you? what do you want to buy?"
i pun senyum je lah. tak kata apa..
then dia suh kawan dia pulak cakap..
lelaki number 2 - "yes sister? may i help you?"
pastu ape benda ntah lagi lah dorang merepek kan..
i pun terus cakap... "hmmm, cakap melayu pun boleh" :)
pastu duadua tekejuttt!! "laaahhh melayu keee??" siap pegang dada ok?!
"ingatkan arab mana tadii"
iyelahh, aku pun dok pakai jubah hitam, celak hitam, shawl hitam
style ala2 firaun lagi. so macam ala2 minah arab lah kan..

hey kawan..
tengok lah hidung saye nie!
tak mancung
mata pun tak galak
kulit pun tak cerah
nampak sangat aku nie melayu
ehh no! sabahan okeysssss
tapi orang sabah putih2!!
aku takkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :((

takpe lah. 
yang penting aku bukan orang Arab...
tapi kawen Arab pun boleyyyhhhhhh~ HAHAHA

Friday 2 March 2012


i've seen this before. but now you're gone. you left and i moved on. i keep all things behind and be strong. stronger than before. and now, i see this again. not in one person eyes, but more than i should have. and you know what, the shining of their eyes, fails to make my heart beats as fast as you did. they failed to make me fall in love as i did to you. and still, i cannot open my heart and try to love other person, like how much i love you. my ex-love, you are the best! among all man i've ever met...